How to apply for Sixth Form
Thank you for your interest in RBA Sixth Form.
We are a school that is keen to welcome applications from both existing and external students.
Our offer provides students with a range of opportunities to fully develop and grow in their Sixth Form studies, these include:
- Quality learning and teaching
- A proven track record of excellent results
- A broad and personalised curriculum offer
- In depth pastoral support
- Integrated careers support and guidance
- Valuable and stimulating enrichment opportunities
- A specific, separate Sixth Form Learning Centre
Sixth Form Students who have studied at RBA have been exceptionally well prepared for their Post 18 pathways, whether that is attending a top university, continuing with further training or embarking on a career. We pride ourselves on having a thriving learning community where students are fully supported to reach their potential.
To apply, please complete an application form and send it to Mr K. White (Head of Sixth Form). Following this, we will invite you in to have an interview. In the meantime, if you would like to come and take a look around, please do contact me and I will be happy to arrange this.
We look forwarded to receiving your application and meeting you in the near future.
Mr K White
Head of Sixth Form