Friends of Robert Barclay Academy (FoRBA)
Friends of Robert Barclay Academy (FORBA) aim to raise funds for the benefit of all students of the academy. When children join the academy parents and carers automatically become members of the Association. It is hoped that many will join the Committee, which organises and co-ordinates fundraising in support of the academy.
Our role is to provide a vital link between Parents and Teachers by helping to organise various fundraising events for additional teaching materials and other items to enhance life at the school.
We are all aware that our schools across the country are facing massive funding cuts and so by fundraising we are able to help the school to keep delivering the excellent level of education to our children.
At this year's Annual General Meeting the Officers elected to serve on the Committee were:
Chair | Lee Smith |
Treasurer | Lorraine Chadwick |
Assistant Treasurer | |
Secretary | Justine Gouldthorpe |
School Liaison | Dawn Warwick |
What We Have Done
Over the past year we have supported a number of projects within the academy, for departments such as Creative Arts, English, Food Technology, Mathematics, Media, Modern Foreign Languages and Performing Arts. We have also provided funds for a major project which will support all students. We are saving the announcement until nearer the end of the term, for maximum impact!
During the year members of the Association help with refreshments at Academy events, such as Open Evening, Presentation Evening, Performing Arts productions and concerts, and at Parents' Evenings.
We also have our own events, such as the Model Railway Exhibition (now in its 21st year) and The Overtures Evening (its 7th year). These two events are major fundraisers for the Association, and next year we are aiming to hold a Christmas Fayre, a Summer Fete and a Vintage Fayre. We are also looking at the possibility of holding a series of Quiz Nights.
Boost funds for our school by joining our Lottery.
Of course, none of the above events could take place without an army of volunteers willing to lend a hand. The more people we get to help us, the more events we can hold - and the more money we can raise for the benefit of Academy students.
Please call Lee Smith if you would like to help at any of these events. Alternatively, you can email
Lee Smith