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This week's review from Mr de la Croix Have a lovely weekend and half term. See you on the 24th February!



Huge congratulations to former student Josh who signed his first professional contract with Liverpool FC this week. 👏👏👏⚽️⚽️#RBAfamily


Please click on the link for further information on this wonderful role.


Don't forget to bring in your pocket money for delicious cakes and bakes on Thursday and Friday this week, during break and lunch 😍


Please click on the link below for more information about this exciting opportunity


A fantastic opportunity awaits at RBA as an IT Support Technician. Please click on the link for further information regarding this role.


Please click on the link for further information about this fabulous role


Please click on the link for further information about this fantastic role


Dear Parents & Carers, Take a look at this week's review to see what's been happening in and around the school. Have a lovely weekend.


This week's review from Mr de la Croix Have a lovely weekend!


A really good assembly this morning for our Year 10 Students about knife crime. Some great questions from Students and a fab presentation outlining what represents a weapon to different scenarios and sentencing for using a weapon.


Huge congratulations to Yr7 Indoor Athletics team who became District Champions at the recent event at Lee Valley Athletics Centre. A fantastic performance by all! Also mention to Charlie and Patryk, Yr7 and Yr9 Shot District Champions. 🏆🥇👍


Thank you to all our amazing staff, students and families for another very successful GCSE Options Evening. Without you, it wouldn't be possible!


Artists at work in the Art department!


Photography & DT were busy and we even had a student showing off her DT GCSE coursework


Year 8 into 9 GCSE options evening has begun and the hall was full to bursting! The first few pics of a super evening.


So proud of our young chess team who competed in the Trust Chess Competition this week, at Sir John Lawes School.


Dear Parents & Carers, Take a look at this week's review to see what's been happening in and around our school. Have a lovely weekend.


This week's review from Mr de la Croix Have a lovely weekend!




Robert Barclay Academy is part of Scholars’ Education Trust. We are looking for a hardworking, ambitious and dynamic teacher to join our highly successful Maths team. We warmly welcome applications from ECT’s.


This week's review from Mr de la Croix Have a lovely weekend!


Dear Parents & Carers, Please take a look at this week's review to see what's been happening in and around the school. Have a lovely weekend.

Student Wellbeing

At RBA we are committed to supporting students’ wellbeing to enable students to achieve their personal best. The school has a strong pastoral system of form tutors, Heads of Year, Pastoral Managers and also a PSHE and RSE curriculum which supports discussion of issues such as self-harm, depression and maintaining well-being.

We have just appointed a Senior Mental Health Lead (Miss Griffiths) and her role is to oversee a whole school approach to mental health, including early help for students. This is done through assemblies, form time and through providing individual and group work support. We regularly organise wellbeing events, and we have a designated week in school where we carry out wellbeing activities, as we believe that it is important to reflect on self-care as good practice for life. The development of these activities is done with our students for our students. The importance of looking after our mental health and talking about our troubles is regularly highlighted to our students and our core value of Care exemplifies this.

In year 7 our students carry out a ‘Kindness Project’ where they think about what it takes to make a good friend, where to get support if they are struggling, and undertake community projects to make them feel more included in the #RBAfamily ethos that we are cultivating at the school. It is clear that this process is rewarding for the students, who present to an outside assessor, what friendship means to them and how kind they can be; which results in them achieving ‘Kindness Ambassador Status’.

To enable you to support your child at home you will find links to some resources and agencies which you may find useful.


MindEd is a free educational resource on children and young people’s mental health for all adults.

You will find signposting and links for many common issues but also more detailed learning for parents which takes a comprehensive approach to a concern a parent may have. There are videos, help sheets, questionnaires and top tips for parents.

There are links and resources available to parents on many topics such as

·         Parenting in a digital world

·         Eating disorders

·         Sexual orientation and gender

·         Building confidence and resilience

·         Family relationship problems

·         Sleep difficulties

MindEd for Families


Herts Young Homeless

Herts Young Homeless (HYH) is an independent charity that has been supporting vulnerable people in Hertfordshire for over 15 years. HYH has offices throughout Hertfordshire with over 50 staff and many more volunteers.

Herts Young Homeless information leaflet

One service they provide is a free, confidential and impartial mediation service for families who are having arguments and disagreements. The mediation service covers 10-24 year olds and their families. The mediation sessions usually last between 6-8 weeks. Families can refer by phoning or emailing the service.  Further details can be found using this link 

Herts Young Homeless Mediation

H&W POS 2019-20


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