RBA believe that there are many benefits to regular homework. These include enabling the students to go over information learned in class so they can retain it better and to enable them to develop good independent learning habits and thus improve their self-discipline, motivation and organisation.
We feel it is important to set purposeful homework as research shows that there are some detrimental effects to mental well-being and fatigue of either excessive or poorly designed homework tasks.
Teachers at RBA will set all homework via Edulink.
This enables parents and students to access their homework from home. In addition to this, we expect parents to be helping their child with homework by providing a suitable learning environment at home.
Where students are having difficulty with completing homework, they can attend Homework Club on Tuesday and Thursday in the school library.
The amount of time spent on homework will vary across the academic year and will also increase as students undertake GCSE subjects. In the Sixth Form, students are expected to undertake a lot more independent work outside of lesson times. All RBA students need to take responsibility for their learning and we encourage all students to read around the subject.