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This week's review from Mr de la Croix Have a lovely weekend and half term. See you on the 24th February!



Huge congratulations to former student Josh who signed his first professional contract with Liverpool FC this week. 👏👏👏⚽️⚽️#RBAfamily


Please click on the link for further information on this wonderful role.


Don't forget to bring in your pocket money for delicious cakes and bakes on Thursday and Friday this week, during break and lunch 😍


Please click on the link below for more information about this exciting opportunity


A fantastic opportunity awaits at RBA as an IT Support Technician. Please click on the link for further information regarding this role.


Please click on the link for further information about this fabulous role


Please click on the link for further information about this fantastic role


Dear Parents & Carers, Take a look at this week's review to see what's been happening in and around the school. Have a lovely weekend.


This week's review from Mr de la Croix Have a lovely weekend!


A really good assembly this morning for our Year 10 Students about knife crime. Some great questions from Students and a fab presentation outlining what represents a weapon to different scenarios and sentencing for using a weapon.


Huge congratulations to Yr7 Indoor Athletics team who became District Champions at the recent event at Lee Valley Athletics Centre. A fantastic performance by all! Also mention to Charlie and Patryk, Yr7 and Yr9 Shot District Champions. 🏆🥇👍


Thank you to all our amazing staff, students and families for another very successful GCSE Options Evening. Without you, it wouldn't be possible!


Artists at work in the Art department!


Photography & DT were busy and we even had a student showing off her DT GCSE coursework


Year 8 into 9 GCSE options evening has begun and the hall was full to bursting! The first few pics of a super evening.


So proud of our young chess team who competed in the Trust Chess Competition this week, at Sir John Lawes School.


Dear Parents & Carers, Take a look at this week's review to see what's been happening in and around our school. Have a lovely weekend.


This week's review from Mr de la Croix Have a lovely weekend!




Robert Barclay Academy is part of Scholars’ Education Trust. We are looking for a hardworking, ambitious and dynamic teacher to join our highly successful Maths team. We warmly welcome applications from ECT’s.


This week's review from Mr de la Croix Have a lovely weekend!


Dear Parents & Carers, Please take a look at this week's review to see what's been happening in and around the school. Have a lovely weekend.

Information for New Students

Welcome to Robert Barclay Academy

Our aim is to make all of our new students feel welcome, safe and confident from the beginning of what we hope will be some of the best years of their lives.

Transition, whether it is joining a new school, starting a new job, or moving house, etc..., is always a daunting time. For this reason, we spend a lot of time managing the transition process as we realise how important it is for you to feel confident and secure when starting a new school. To assist with the transition, we have a dedicated team led by Mr Pomeroy (Assistant Headteacher) and Miss Morris (SENCo).

At RBA, you will have the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of subjects and activities. We offer academic rigour – where you will be challenged to achieve the very best GCSE and A Level grades, go on to further education or apprenticeships and, ultimately, developing rewarding careers.

We also offer a family environment, where you will be known by name and develop skills for an ever-changing world. We have a dedicated Student Reception to ensure that any concerns or questions you have can be quickly and efficiently addressed.

Whether you are joining us from a primary school in Year 6 or another year group, the induction process is well-planned to ensure you settle quickly at RBA.

Joining us from Year 6

Leaving your primary school and moving to the new, much bigger world of secondary education can be worrying and stressful. The ultimate goal of the Head of Year 7 is to ensure that within the first six weeks of your new school life, you are very happy, busy and stimulated with a range of innovative experiences and events that promote self-awareness, confidence and resilience. These are all aspects that help you to develop as an ‘all round’ individual. We recognise that effective learning cannot take place until you settle and feel confident and happy in your new surroundings.

As part of the induction process, we ensure there are plenty of opportunities to visit the school. We will also visit your primary school, and Year 6 teacher, so that we can find out how to support you best. There will also be an opportunity for you to meet us, to learn about the school, and for you to ask any questions you may have. 

In July each year we hold a special induction day, where you can visit the school, meet all the new joiners, make new friends and try out some lessons! There is also a Secondary Transition Evening for parents/carers to learn about RBA, spend some time with members of staff and ask questions.

If you are the only student joining from your primary school, there is no need to worry. You are extremely important to us and you will also be given an extra opportunity to visit us on a targeted transition morning when you will get the opportunity to meet other students who are also the only ones joining from their primary school.

Joining us from another year group?

Moving schools can be a daunting process. That is why our aim is to make all our new students feel welcome and safe and to help you settle in your new Tutor Group with a new timetable as quickly as we can. Before joining us, you will be given the opportunity to visit the school with your parents/carers and meet your new Head of Year or another key member of the Pastoral Team. There will be an opportunity to have a tour around the site, for you to ask questions and find out about life at RBA.

We hope you find the sections below useful and if you are joining us then we look forward to seeing soon.

A typical day at RBA

The school day consists of five taught lessons each of 60 minutes, as well as morning and afternoon registration with your Form Tutor.

08:40 - 09:00 Registration / Assembly
09:00 - 10:00 Period 1
10:00 - 11:00 Period 2
11:00 - 11:20 Break
11:20 - 12:20 Period 3
12:20 - 13:20 Period 4
13:20 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:00 Period 5
15:00 End of School Day


You will have a wide range of subjects on your timetable including English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, RE, ICT, Music, Art, PE and lots more.

Before school, break and lunchtime you can visit the Refectory for a hot or cold snack/meal and a drink. It is a great place to catch up with and meet new friends.

Homework Club is held after school in the library where staff can help you with your homework. There are also lots of clubs to attend, including sporting activities for those of you who like sports and want to play in the school teams.

You will never be bored at RBA!

Top tips

RBA is a great place to be and there are many different ways that you can succeed.

Here are just a few suggestions:

Get yourself organised the night before. This should include checking EduLink for your lessons the next day and packing your books, PE Kit, Food Technology ingredients etc…

Take a full and active role in all aspects of school life by joining lunchtime and after-school activities.

Complete your homework to your best ability and hand it in on time.

Arrive at school on time and reach the minimum expectation of 96% attendance each year.

Challenge yourself each school year by learning a new skill, new hobby or become involved in a community project.

Who to contact if you have a question or problem

If you have a question or problem and you are not sure how to solve it then the best person to see in the first instance is your Form Tutor, as they are the people that will know you the best.

Your Head of Year or Student Reception are also available to answer your queries or listen to your concerns.


Page Downloads Date  
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