Pupil Premium at Robert Barclay
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-2025 The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers.
If a child is eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any point over the past 6 years or has been looked after for one day or more (Child Looked After) the school receives an amount per head within their budget. This money is used to support the achievement of that child and ensure they are given the same opportunities as every other student at Robert Barclay Academy. A provision is also made for children who have a parent in the armed services.
Robert Barclay Academy is committed to ensuring maximum progress for all groups of children and strives to close any gaps in achievement. RBA utilises the funding to provide students with a variety of support, for example, to raise aspiration, one to one tuition, digital technology support, early help, homework support, mastery learning, mentoring, attendance and mental health.
We have a clear, strategic approach to the use of specific pupil premium funding and plans are integrated into wider school support and improvement systems. The school’s pupil premium action plan is available to view on the school webpage. These actions are monitored and evaluated regularly. An in depth data analysis ensures that the correct support and strategies are identified to maximise progress.
At RBA, staff and governors are committed to ensuring that every student achieves her or his personal best and is able to move onto university, an apprenticeship or employment successfully. All of our work with students is underpinned by RBAs values - ACE (Achievement, Care and Excellence).
Our work is informed by research on how best to support students in receipt of pupil premium funding such as the ‘Education Endowment fund Teaching Toolkit’ and reports such as ‘Supporting the attainment of disadvantaged pupils: articulating success and good practice’ (DFE:2015).
Links to these two sources of information can be found below:-
Education Endowment fund Teaching Toolkit
Teaching and Learning Toolkit | EEF (educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk)
‘Supporting the attainment of disadvantaged pupils: articulating success and good practice’ (DFE: 2015).
Supporting the attainment of disadvantaged pupils - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)